Including 18 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon emissions, and carbon emissions.
…, and aiming for 1.5˚C. • See global emissions peak and decline as soon as possible so that net zero emissions are achieved as close to 2050 as possible. The UK was the first member state to commit to legally binding targets to reduce emissions by 80% by 2050 and, in May 2019, the UK committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. In the years after the signing of the Paris Agreement…
…, the need to accelerate action became clearer. Following the UN Emissions Gap Report 2018 some alarming facts were raised: • Current global plans to reduce emissions by 2030 are not now sufficient to limit temperature increase to 1.5˚C • Global emissions continue to grow and show now sign of peaking. • Emissions by 2030 need to be 25% lower to remain on track to limit temperature increase…
… by the council, our communities, and partners. TRANSPORT Transport is one of the biggest contributors of carbon emissions in Gateshead. A shift to low or zero-emissions vehicles has great potential to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality. Encouraging active travel (walking or cycling) and public transport as alternatives to private cars are important ways to reduce the environmental…
…. *FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF ACTIONS: PLEASE GO TO PAGE 15 ENERGY AND HEAT Establishing renewable or low-carbon sources of heat and power for our homes, commercial premises and public buildings will make an important contribution to cutting borough-wide carbon emissions. New technologies are emerging and developing that allow us to use renewable sources of electricity, and alternatives to natural gas…
… for reducing, as rapidly as possible, the carbon emissions resulting from the Council’s activities. • Influence and inspire partners across the borough to help deliver this goal through all relevant strategies, plans and shared resources. • Proactively include young people in the process, ensuring that they have a voice in shaping the future. • Call on the UK Government to provide the powers…