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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 20 closely related terms such as gas emissions, emissions, and industrial emissions.

1 result

West Midlands Combined Authority

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… split between commercial/industrial, domestic and transport sectoral emissions. Staying within a cumulative carbon dioxide emissions budget of 126 million tonnes (MtCO2) for the period of 2020 to 2100. A West Midlands target of net-zero emissions no later than 2041, with interim targets based on a 2018 baseline of 36% reduction by 2022, and 69% reduction by 2027, supported by the corresponding…

carbon budget – that an investment programme substantial enough to meet this challenge will be in the order of £40bn over 21 years (2020-2041). The actions we propose are things that individuals, communities, businesses and government at all levels can lead. They include: 1. Active travel and cleaner transport, including keep your car at home schemes to reduce emissions, reduce unnecessary…

…, which is why WMCA has set a realistic timeframe for its zero carbon target, for 2041. Previous reductions have been possible because of a number of factors, which we either cannot or will not replicate. Firstly, because of EU directives2 mandating the closure of coal-fired power stations, and national scale installation of renewables. Large reductions in industrial emissions have also been…

… The UK context • UK Climate Change Act 20083: this legislates a commitment to 100% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 from 1990 levels, with five yearly carbon budgets to set actions and review progress. However, the level of these budgets is not aligned to the Paris Agreement. • Committee on Climate Change: This is the UK Government’s advisory body on climate change. They have…

… need to address climate breakdown and to adapt to climate change the opportunity it provides to create a highly productive, low carbon economy; it reflects on what we might need to do (and when we need to do it) it suggests who needs to take a lead, and how it must be done if we are do it in a way which is thoughtful and inclusive. It also suggests – based on the estimates in the July 2019…


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