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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 22 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon emissions, and carbon emissions.

1 result

Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. The Key commitments examined Commitment ii: Pledge to make BCP Council and its operations carbon neutral by 2030, taking into account both production and consumption emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3); The meaning of ‘Carbon Neutral’ Much of the activity generated by the Climate and Ecological Emergency Declaration will be to reduce and avoid carbon emissions. However, the motion uses the term

… are derived from data made available in 2019, the year of BCP Council formation. Table 1 below contains the total carbon dioxide emissions for the Council and administrative area. Table 1 Carbon Dioxide Emissions Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 Total BCP Council area (tonnes CO2e) 2017 data, produced 2019 1,027,343 530,004 385,984 1,943,331 BCP Council operations (tonnes CO2e) 2018/19…

Emissions’ (BEIS, 2019) confirms that the Government is aligned with most of the CCC’s recommendations. It states that the Government has allocated £2bn to decarbonisation projects since the ‘net zero by 2050’ target amendment was ratified, much of it to the areas of hydrogen, carbon capture and green finance. Action is promised on the built environment, specifically commercial building energy…

…’; (Declared 16 July 2019) ii. Pledge to make BCP Council and its operations carbon neutral by 2030, taking into account both production and consumption emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3); (Now a key objective in the Council Corporate Plan) iii. Work with partners, businesses and the wider community to investigate, make recommendations and set a target date for how early the Bournemouth, Christchurch…

… Communications have been created and the Autumn and Winter editions of BCP News include articles telling residents about the declaration and how to act.  Aircraft flight emissions from the 2019 Air festival, amounting to 240 tonnes, have been ‘offset’ to make that element of the event carbon neutral and support projects that reduce carbon emissions. An impact assessment is being conducted…


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