Including 20 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and gas emissions.
… the environmental impact of future building work. The impact of these changes will need to be considered when assessing future emissions against the baseline quantities and Services will be required to identify changes in emissions by sector. The aim of the Carbon Management Plan is to reduce the carbon emissions of the Council and as a result, the main focus must remain the overall emissions level…
… Foreword Our Orkney Islands Council (the Council) is committed to reducing Carbon emissions and this is demonstrated in ‘Wur Plan’ The Council Plan 2013-2018, priority four which is focussed on achieving a Low Carbon economy. Reducing carbon emissions is a key priority for all local authorities. As the Council, harbour authority and deliverer of lifeline services we are in an important position…
… in the European Marine Energy Centre. Innovation and collaboration is vital to reducing emissions and creating ongoing benefit now and into the future. Steven Heddle Convener Orkney Islands Council Page 3 1732 Orkney Islands Council Carbon Management Programme 2016-2026 2 Management summary The Council recognises the important role we play in protecting and developing…
… and to look into ways of minimising the adverse effects. By undertaking the Carbon Management Programme, the Council hope to benefit from the reduced expenditure on fuels while achieving the environmental benefits associated with reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Page 5 1734 Orkney Islands Council Carbon Management Programme 2016-2026 3.1 Context and drivers There are several…
… and adds value, embedded carbon will also be considered in this Carbon Management Programme. 4.2 Baseline The following sections will look at the data sources and the expected accuracy of the data collected. It is vital that the data used to develop the baseline Carbon emission is available in future to allow comparison of future emissions with the base line year. Data and forecasting…