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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 11 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and carbon emissions.

1 result

Warwick District Council

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

…: • Does it answer the question? • Does it make sense, is it clear? • Will it have an impact on carbon emissions? • What do you want to get out of this recommendation, why do we need it? • Is it specific enough? In a number of rounds, small groups worked together on the themes and periodically the whole group checked in on progress and fed back to each other, asking for approval on any…

… Programme in 2020. As part of that, the Council set out a roadmap to work towards a net zero-carbon District by 2030. As a council, we understand the importance of working with our residents to influence change. We have always recognised that the Council cannot achieve the District’s climate change ambitions on its own and that working with our residents will be vital to our success. So, hearing…

… have developed a plan 'The Climate Emergency Action Programme' that advocates strong local leadership and significant investment to change our future for the better. This Plan will enable the Council to be carbon-neutral by 2025 and help the district to also be carbon- neutral by 2030, plus make necessary local preparations for climate disasters such as flooding. Investment today will help…

… emmissions Commentators: Alice Ellis, Sustainability Officer at Warwick District Council and Matt Rooney, Anthesis. Dr Ollie Lawton, Local GP and Chris Holt, Senior Lecturer, Water Resources, University of Northampton. Video footage available here. and here. Alice Ellis and Matt Rooney provided information on Warwick district emissions. After hearing from the commentators, participants…

…) A clear good quality cycle route plan for Warwickshire, well promoted - link with upcoming ‘signposting’ project f) Free cycle training/tuition (safe riding and maintenance) g) Promoting the health benefits of cycling h) A safest cycle routes app - (city mapper) linking cycle, bus etc. 1st 14 39 HOUSING 2. Every new house must be carbon neutral both in construction…


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