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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 16 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and gas emissions.

1 result

London Borough of Newham

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

emissions and getting to zero carbon Dr James Bradley, Lecturer in Environmental Science, Queen Mary University of London Newham Council’s response so far Councillor Mas Patel, Commissioner for Air quality and Climate Change – Newham Council Solar and Technological Solutions Peter Cross - Treadlighter continued 13 Thurs 6 Feb Climate Change - What it is, what…

… with highest levels of air pollution for transport interventions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions while improving peoples’ health e.g. electric bus routes, increased provision of cycle paths, more EV charging stations, changing the Council’s own car f leet to electric vehicles. Recommendation 1 Introduce a free park and ride scheme for schools (using electric buses) along with car sharing…

… and Recycling General Message: Newham will reduce food waste and food miles and aspire to recycle 100%. Strongly support Support Neither support nor oppose Oppose Strongly Oppose 50% 35.3% 14.7% 0% 0% Support 85.3% The issue of food was one that many assembly members were struck by. The statistics they heard from one presenter about food waste being a major contributor to carbon emissions

… of lightning stickers: The meat industry is a huge cause of carbon emissions. It is time to switch to being vegan, vegetarian or eating meat very rarely. However there was mixed feeling over the issue and the two recommendations below were much more popular helping to form one of the final recommendations. • Reduce the proportion of meat available from catering and at public events, while…

… The Newham Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change brought together 36 randomly selected residents from the London Borough of Newham for three evenings and a weekend in February 2020 to develop recommendations in response to the question: “How can the council and residents work together to reach the aspiration of being carbon zero by 2050 at the latest?” Assembly members developed six themes to frame…


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