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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 22 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and gas emissions.

1 result

Runnymede Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

emission calculations in tonnes of Carbon Dioxide equivalent (TCO2e). All greenhouse gas emissions will be converted to CO2 equivalents based on their global warming potential and represented as Carbon Dioxide. Consequently: The primary objective of the strategy is to reduce Carbon emissions from the Council’s operations and the wider Runnymede community. In 2019 the UK became the first major…

… economy in the world to legislate a binding target to reach ‘Net Zero Carbonemissions by 2050. In January 2022, the Council committed to tackling climate change and adopted a target to achieve operational ‘Net Zero Carbonemissions from its services and operations by 2030. Net Zero Carbon is achieved when the total operational Carbon emissions released on an annual basis average to be zero…

… can only be achieved by everyone working together: governments, local authorities, business, local communities, and right down to our own individual choices. The Council has an obligation to reduce Carbon emissions from its operations and to play its part in supporting communities and businesses to do the same. There are difficult decisions to make, and we recognise that the community…

… years, but there is more to do. This can only be achieved by making radical changes to all of the Council’s services. Our existing Carbon emission reduction measures and additional future programmes address both mitigation and adaption to climate change. These are identified in the strategy. ....but it is not all about the Carbon Carbon emissions are internationally identified…

… and to support the objectives laid out in this Strategy. ● Net Zero Carbon is expressed with respect to operational Carbon emissions. It is generally accepted that is not possible to address historical carbon emissions in the current timeframe. PAGE 6 CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY Responsibility for the Climate Change Strategy…


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