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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 23 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and emissions.

1 result

Elmbridge Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Local Plan will play a central role in ad- dressing the climate emergency by setting out a development strategy and policies that seek to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and support the transition to a low carbon future. As well as delivering improvements to green and blue infra- structure, flood risk, air quality, recycling and waste management. The Plan will form the basis on which planning…

… Borough Council - Carbon Management and Reduction Plan 2020 – 2030 (V1.2) 2 Carbon Management and Reduction Plan 2020 – 2030 Table 1: Organisation Emissions - Carbon Reduction Actions Ref. Action Description When Est. carbon savings [tCO2e/ year] Est. cap- ital cost [£] Funding source Est. sav- ings [£/year] Est. sim- ple pay- back [years] Lead Organisation…

… be different from the electricity that is generated locally. As with any product, more demand for low-carbon energy will drive greater supply over time and reduced global emissions. 14 Estimated cost savings for Year 1 (electricity and gas) based on our new 5-year energy contract starting from October 2020, due to market volatility the estimated savings will need to reviewed in Q4 22/23. The chosen…

… is due latest by 11/2022. Elmbridge Borough Council - Carbon Management and Reduction Plan 2020 – 2030 (V1.2) 8 Ref. Action Description When Est. carbon savings [tCO2e/ year] Est. cap- ital cost [£] Funding source Est. sav- ings [£/year] Est. sim- ple pay- back [years] Lead Organisation Emissions 18 Heating Decar- bonisation– Community Cen- tres…

…. It will include opportunities for reducing carbon emissions such as contributing to a greener active travel network thus reducing the need to travel by private vehicle and, tree planting to capture carbon dioxide emissions. The Study will set out G&BI opportunities appro- priate to the location and size of development that should be incorporated into the design of schemes. 22/23To be pub- lished…


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