Including 23 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and emissions.
… to understand where the Council’s carbon dioxide emissions come from so that we can better plan how to reduce them. The baseline was calculated using Welsh Government’s public sector net zero carbon reporting methodology. The Figure 2 below gives an overview of our emissions in 2019-20. Figure 2: Summary of Torfaen Council’s emissions during 2019/20 Carbon emissions associated with the goods…
…:// 5 of 21 1.4 Emissions in the borough Data is published every year on the carbon dioxide emissions for each local authority area. This data has a 2-year time lag due to the complexities of pulling together this information. Figure 3: Estimated carbon sequestration associated…
… commitment The Council commits to becoming carbon neutral by 2030. For our assets and our activities, we will do this by: 1. Understanding our current carbon dioxide emissions so we can better direct our resources to those areas where we can have the biggest impact. The three main areas we will focus on are: o Our buildings o Our expenditure - contractors and suppliers o Our transport…
… use and fleet. 2. Increasing the ambition of our Carbon Management Plan / Energy Efficiency Programme for TCBC buildings and setting interim targets to accelerate the reduction of our own emissions. 3. Developing a net zero carbon fleet replacement programme. 4. Developing, building expertise, capacity and capability to ensure carbon impact is fully embedded into our purchasing…
… is responsible By when How we work Understand our emissions so we can better direct resources to those areas that will have the biggest impact. We will use WG’s new carbon reporting toolkit to help us do this. Data, Research GIS Manager / Energy/ SustainabilityTeam On- going 7 of 21 How we work Update our Carbon Management Plan/Energy Efficiency Programme…