Including 9 closely related terms such as emissions, reduce emissions, and emission reduction.
… Emission Strategy as well as continuing to encourage people to walk, cycle and use public transport. Measures in our current AQAP support other emission reduction measures in our Local Transport Plan and Climate Change Strategy. Through delivery of CYC’s Air Quality Action Plan, we have: secured funding to deliver fully electric buses and charging points at York’s Park & Ride sites…
… the Habit’ anti-idling awareness-raising campaign obtained DEFRA funding to carry out a feasibility study and subsequent pilot scheme to reduce emissions from deliveries promoted the government’s national ‘Burn Better’ campaign and worked with retailer to ensure correct certification of solid fuels continued to deliver on walking, cycling and public transport initiatives Further updates on measures…
…; the council was also awarded additional funding in 2022 for more electric buses introduced a Clean Air Zone (CAZ) for buses; within the CAZ, the most frequent buses are required to meet strict emission standards used a Low Emission Taxi Grant Scheme to encourage 30% of York taxis to change to low emission vehicles awarded ‘Go Ultra Low’ city status by the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV…
…) and rolled out an extensive public electric vehicle recharging network agreed to move to an electric fleet for all council vehicles under 3.5 tonnes as part of a 4-year programme developed Low Emission Planning Guidance to improve air quality, reduce exposure and lower transport emissions associated with new developments developed measures aimed at deterring vehicle idling including the ‘Kick…