Including 18 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon emissions, and carbon emissions.
… – Monitoring Actions ID Action Resourcing Direct or indirect? Timescale Priority M1 Update the Council’s carbon emissions baseline as an organisation to 2019. As part of this, assess the potential for grant funding to help support the delivery of this action. Likely to require additional funding Indirect Short term High M2 Create a monitoring framework for the Action Plan to monitor…
… trends and through more localised severe weather events. The Climate Emergency declared by the Council recognises that climate change is happening, and that action needs to be taken now, both to mitigate and to adapt. The Surrey Heath Climate Change Action Plan has two key aims: 1. To work towards achieving the ambitious net-zero carbon emission target by 2030 as an organisation and contribute…
… to reduce energy consumption and increase local renewable energy production to transition to zero-carbon energy. 3. Work with partners to support initiatives and infrastructure to increase the uptake of walking, cycling and public transport, and low emission vehicles. 4. Deliver improvements to green infrastructure in the Borough, increasing the potential of land, biodiversity, current and future…
… in the Climate Change Study4 prepared by Aceom on behalf of the Council to support the development of the new Local Plan. Chapter 4 of the study sets out the baseline carbon emissions for Council as an organisation, as well as the Borough wide emissions (2017 base year). The study also makes wider recommendations on how the new Local Plan, currently being prepared by the Council, can address climate…
…. Indeed, not all actions in this Plan will be deliverable and the key actions will need to be prioritised to deliver carbon emission reductions efficiently and effectively. Defining actions The Action Plan is separated into the following six key areas, although it is noted that there is a degree of overlap: • Energy • Transport • Environment • Behavioural change • Operations…