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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 10 closely related terms such as emissions, reduce emissions, and total emissions.

1 result

Richmondshire District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. Transport Transport is a large source of greenhouse gases (GHG) with them being responsible for 27% of total emissions in the UK in 2019. The councils own fleet emitted around 300 tCO2e (tonnes of CO2 equivalent) in 2021/22. This means this is a key area to focus on improving emissions, this section includes looking at the councils’ emissions as well as helping residents to transfer to lower emission

… there may be cost implications 4 Decarbonising Housing and Public Buildings Buildings account for around 30% of the UK’s emissions and so are another large sector to target in reducing emissions in Richmondshire. This section lays out schemes to improve emissions in sheltered housing, council housing as well as schemes the council is involved in to help residents to reduce emissions. Ref…

… on LED lighting P/HOU06 Exemplar low/ zero carbon development Investigate the opportunities for an exemplar low/zero carbon schemes specifically around the Colburn Lorry Park and the Broadacres scheme Planning Manager 31 Mar 23 £25k allocated from Corporate Board for the Colburn Lorry Park. P/HOU07 Consultancy study to survey, cost and make recommendations on energy use…

… Budget Notes P/HOU05 George Nickling House - energy efficient and low carbon renovations and refurbishment Pivot existing project proposal to include exemplar energy efficiency/use of renewables. Housing Options and Environmental Health Manager 31 Mar 23 Within Homelessness Grants awarded. Additional £5k allocated from the Green Intiatives budget for additional spend…

…, low carbon heating and energy efficiency options for the sheltered housing stock. Study to investigate the following properties. George Nickling House, Queens Court, Oak Tree Court, Quaker Close, St. Cuthbert’s Green, Thornborough Hall and Noel’s Court Facilities Management Officer 31 Mar 23 £21k from the Green Intiatives budget - £3k per study P/TRAN07 Investigate…


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