Including 22 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon emissions, and gas emissions.
… action. 1. Support the achievement of net zero by ● Enabling the investment and change to council services and assets to reduce emissions and switch to low and zero carbon technologies ● Planning for a net zero district ● Working with our strategic partners to enable and deliver projects at a district level that reduce emissions 2. Build climate resilience by ● Preparing our…
… to reduce carbon emissions significantly. We have included scope 1, 2 and all scope 3 emissions because it is best practise from the international greenhouse gas protocol to include all the emissions and because we want to take ownership, show leadership and help make this standard practice. This can make it appear that we have greater emissions than our peers that have not included scope 3…
… to the greenhouse gas emissions. Financial control is where the council owns an asset such as the Marlowe Theatre and many commercial units which are managed and operated by someone else. Constructing new buildings and coastal defences produced the largest amount of emissions in scope 3 in 2019-20. Careful choice of building materials and construction methods will be needed to reduce…
… and refuse collection services reach net zero carbon. Our initial estimates indicate that at least £200m investment in these activities will be required. Effective implementation of the plan will therefore need significant new external funding sources. Our climate vision, aims and goals Our climate change vision Canterbury City Council becomes a leading organisation in emissions reduction…
… potential tCO2/yr)4 Timescale NZ1 Secure low carbon electricity supply Commissioned Services Procure a long-term electricity base load to power council operations ~100 2021-22 NZ2 Minimise office accommodation emissions Commissioned Services Included emissions reduction outcomes in office relocation project, aiming to enable net zero ~975 2021-23 NZ3 All-electric light fleet…