Including 22 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and carbon emissions.
… developments and buildings 8 Reducing emissions from CHP by ensuring that air quality as well as carbon emissions are considered when assessing planning applications or where existing schemes require new or upgraded heat sources Environmental Protection Team Medium Hard to quantify emission reduction. Draft Local Plan policy requests SAP10 assessments which ensures carbon and air…
… to reduce building emissions and increase uptake of Decentralised Energy Networks Inclusive Growth / Environmental Protection Team Medium- High NOx and PM10 emissions reduction from building energy generation 2020-2025 Report progress on district heat networks https://www.lbb efault/files/attac hments/Barking- Town-Centre- District-Energy- Scheme- information…
…-green-energy-company-beam-energy Emissions from Development and Buildings 14 Participate in the Pan-London Non-Road Mobile Machinery registration campaign in conjunction with lead Borough (London Borough of Merton), to reduce emissions from construction vehicles in line with GLA guidance. Environmental Protection Low- Medium LAEI 2016 data shows that NOx emissions from…
…:// Public health and awareness raising 16 Engage with local businesses and support access to business-specific funding schemes which promote sustainable transport, collaborative delivery and low emission procurement practices through business forums and newsletters distribution Inclusive Growth Low No direct emissions reduction…
…, visitors etc. 2020 Provide cabinet recommendatio ns for approval. Document outcome. Report progress on incentivising EV Borough Fleet 31 Undertake annual fleet audits with a vehicle replacement programme to show continued progress in phasing out older and more polluting vehicles by 2030 Fleet Low Direct emission reductions from fleet vehicles, NOx and PM. 2020 Change…