Including 16 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon emissions, and emissions.
…, particularly of a net zero borough by 2030, is contingent on the support and action of others within the borough. A number of actions set out here are looking to enable and inspire this corporate action. Emissions progress / carbon footprint As set out in the Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy, 2018/19 was set out as our baseline year on which to measure emissions reductions, as data…
… 1. Action by All: Action number Action Council emissions Borough- wide emissions Emissions reduction Indicative cost Timescale KPI/ measure of progress 21/22 Update 1.1 Develop new e-learning module for all council staff to increase awareness…
… Carbon Energy Forum and planned with Basingstoke Transition Network for input. 5. Waste and consumption: Action number Action Council emissions Borough- wide emissions Emissions reduction Indicative Cost Timescale KPI/ measure of progress 21/22 Update 5.1 Review and update Procurement Strategy and processes to consider whole life carbon footprint of goods…
… actions, or changes in existing actions, including timeframes, are set out in red to highlight differences from the previous iteration of the plan. It is also important to note that the first iteration of the Action Plan has been adopted and delivered during the COVID-19 pandemic. Council carbon emission performance for 20/21, the latest data, must be viewed in this context, as well as delays…
… Em iss io ns (t CO 2) Council operational carbon emissions Location-based emissions (tCO2) Net location-based emissions (tCO2) Market-based emissions (tCO2) Net market-based emissions (tCO2) Borough-wide emissions Borough-wide emissions are based on government data, with the latest available data covering up to 2019.2 This represents the period up to the council’s Climate Emergency…