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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 18 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and gas emissions.

1 result

Babergh District Council

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… of: Suffolk County Council West Suffolk East Suffolk Ipswich Borough Council Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Council the Environment Agency They work with other local organisations such as Groundwork Suffolk and the University of Suffolk. The partners have a shared interest in supporting Suffolk’s communities, businesses and residents to reduce carbon emissions.  In 2019, the SCCP's local authority…

gas emissions, caused by human activity. There is more information about the impacts of climate change on the Committee on Climate Change's (CCC) website. The CCC advises the government on emissions targets. They report to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. How is Suffolk tackling climate change? The Suffolk Climate Change Partnership (SCCP) consists…

… of what we have achieved so far. Read our climate change and biodiversity report (Babergh) Read our climate change and biodiversity report (Mid Suffolk) Read our greenhouse gas emissions report (2020/21) What schemes are already in place to tackle climate related issues? We already…

… members declared a ‘climate emergency’. They are committed to working together and aim to make Suffolk carbon neutral by 2030. How are we engaging with the challenge at Babergh and Mid Suffolk? In 2019, following our climate emergency declarations, we set up an Environment and Climate Change Task Force to look at the climate challenge the districts face. Following engagement with environmental…

… experts, the task force presented their recommendations to cabinets in July 2020. The proposals were unanimously approved, forming the two councils' first Carbon Reduction Management Plan. Read our Carbon Reduction Management Plan A task force subcommittee then looked at biodiversity in the districts. Their recommendations were presented to cabinets in November…


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