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Search results for "carbon budgets"

Including 9 closely related terms such as carbon budget, sixth carbon budget, and sixth carbon budget.

1 result

Wiltshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Committee sixth carbon budget Wiltshire Climate Strategy 2022 - 2027 Photo: Malmesbury aerial view ! International 1.5oC Keep global temperature rise below 2oC while aiming for 1.5oC National 2050 UK to become carbon neutral 2030 68% reduction in carbon emissions 1.5oC Keep UK temperature rise below 2oC while aiming for 1.5oC 10…

… Committee on Climate Change (CCC) Sixth Carbon Budget Report, (December 2020) provided specific scenarios and recommendations for transition to net zero for each sector. The report is clear that we still have the opportunity to turn the situation around and it is achievable, and affordable. Many of these measures will deliver co-benefits, for example the woodlands and green corridors created…

… contains legal provision to overhaul how waste is managed in the UK, with a focus on treating waste as a resource; increasing levels of recycling; and making producers responsible for meeting the costs of collecting and processing of packaging waste. The 10 Point Plan, Net Zero Strategy, Heat and Buildings Strategy and the Sixth Carbon Budget report set out very clear intentions on our…

…, the council acknowledged the climate emergency and committed to seek to make the county of Wiltshire carbon neutral by 2030. To this end, in July 2019 Wiltshire Council pledged as an organisation to become carbon neutral by 2030. A Climate Emergency Task Group was set up, gathering the views of a wide range of stakeholders to provide recommendations on ways to reduce carbon emissions. Wiltshire…

… Council has been working to reduce its carbon emissions for over a decade with some of the following results: z We cut our carbon footprint by more than 80% between 2015 and 2021 z Thanks to sustained investment in renewables over time, in 2020/21 council-owned solar PV generated 727,097 kWh. Renewable electricity generation on our own estate increased by 39% compared with 2019/20. z…


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