Including 14 closely related terms such as total carbon, reduce carbon, and carbon management.
… of publication – 31 March 2021 Carbon Footprint The carbon footprint provides a record of TWBC greenhouse gas emissions in the 12-month period covering April 2018 to March 2019, by assessing the 2018/19 data sets held by the authority. The Council’s total carbon emissions for 2018/19 were (3,473.4 tonnes of CO2 e). equivalent (tCO2e) This represents a 43 per cent reduction from 2013/14 when…
… an action plan for 2021-22 and this will be reviewed annually. The Descent Plan, will inform and influence the Council’s corporate strategies, plans and policies, including the Council’s new ‘Five Year Plan’. Whilst this report and plan is forward looking, the Council had already taken action to reduce its carbon emissions as part of the Carbon Management Plan 2010 – 2015…
… sites (Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre (TWSC) and Town Hall) account for approximately 50 per cent of total building emissions. The top five buildings (TWSC, Town Hall, Weald LC, Crematorium and Assembly Hall) account for over 75 per cent of total building emissions and 54 per cent of the Council’s total carbon footprint. Page 11 of 31 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Corporate…
… when all effort has been made to reduce carbon emissions. To adhere to the convention of carbon reduction, only emissions that cannot be abated by other means should be offset. Significant offsetting leaves the Council exposed to the market to meet their target. The carbon offsetting costs (£/tonne CO₂e) used in this analysis are based on government forecast figures in a mid-range scenario…
… and start the process of identifying the further actions needed to continue the reduction of its carbon emissions. It is crucial that the Council has robust organisational procedures in place to maintain the focus on achieving carbon neutrality. CEAP recommends an annual update on actions taken and an appraisal of the Council’s carbon footprint. A more detailed analysis of progress should…