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Search results for "carbon budgets"

Including 7 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon future, and carbon footprint.

1 result

Thanet District Council

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… strategies and policies, assisting town councils and community groups with tree and biodiversity related enquiries and also assisting planning department with applications around TPO trees and landscaping of new sites. Home Energy Officer whose role includes reducing carbon emissions for all existing and new homes in Thanet and to reduce fuel poverty in the district…

footprint within the things we buy or services we purchase. Permalink Carbon footprint The amount of greenhouse gas production per individual or company…

… is called their carbon footprint. TDC’s carbon footprint is made up of: The gas and electricity use in offices and buildings Petrol/diesel use in our fleet Greenhouse gas emissions in our purchases and contracts. An individual’s carbon footprint can be divided up into: Home energy use (gas and electricity) Transport use (petrol/diesel/ also now electricity) Food eaten (impacts of meat and dairy…

… → methane) Things or services we buy (what was the greenhouse gas use in making a thing or providing you with a service?). See later sections for tips on reducing your carbon footprint. In the UK as a whole our carbon footprint is from residential and non residential buildings, power production, transport, land use and agriculture, industry and international aviation and shipping. Each sector…

… will need to work towards a low carbon future (see figure below from the Climate Change Committee : ) Permalink…


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