Including 8 closely related terms such as reduce carbon, carbon emission, and carbon footprint.
… of 42% since 2005. The annual carbon emissions from buildings and fleet over which the council has direct control amounted to around 27,000 tonnes in 2018/19. However, despite the council’s own carbon footprint being just under 4% of the borough total, we believe that the council is in a strong position to influence carbon reduction in the borough, using a range of techniques, measures…
… away from gas where possible. In doing so we will work with borough partners such as schools and colleges, universities and the NHS to support them to reduce carbon emissions from their estates. 2. Transport Reduce emissions in the borough from transport: We will reduce vehicular emissions by encouraging walking, cycling and public transportation. By working collaboratively, we will explore…
… economy principles are embedded in local businesses and supply chains are sustainable. • Tree cover is maximised and local biodiversity protected. • Any outstanding emissions are offset through carbon sequestration and other methods. 15 Figure 4. Energy advisor 16 Carbon Emissions: Any process that produces CO2 emissions, usually by burning fossil fuels. Carbon Neutral: The aim…
… Council to improve energy efficiency whilst also reducing carbon emissions and fuel poverty. EPC Rating: Energy Performance Certificate is a rating scheme to assess the energy efficiency of a building, with A being the most efficient and G being the least. EV: Electric Vehicle. Any vehicle powered through recharging at an electrical point. Fuel Poverty: The ability of a household to afford…
… emissions. ICEF: Islington Community Energy Fund. Aimed at supporting community projects that reduce carbon emissions and benefit Islington residents, with emphasis on helping those struggling with fuel poverty. ISEP: Islington Sustainable Energy Partnership. A network of public and private organisations with the aim of collectively managing energy costs and reducing carbon emissions. LED…