Including 13 closely related terms such as low carbon, total carbon, and carbon economy.
… and developing a network will increase the capacity of the Council, and the wider East Lothian community, to mitigate against and adapt to climate change, and will strengthen our key commitments to tackle climate change. Several local organisations have already successfully implemented local projects and initiatives that reduce carbon emissions, encourage a low carbon lifestyle and a low carbon, circular…
… to a low carbon economy will help create a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth6. Public Bodies’ Climate Change Duties: The 2009 Climate Change Act set out the Duties of Public Bodies in relation to climate change: o To contribute to the delivery of the carbon emission reduction targets set out in the Act…
… neutral East Lothian and prepare for climate change impacts, this strategy identifies the following key Outcomes: Outcome 1: East Lothian Council will be a Net Zero and Sustainable Council East Lothian Council will reduce its overall carbon emissions from the Council’s own estate and operations over the 5 year period of the Climate Change Strategy to contribute towards making all our Council…
…, our emissions fell by 12.8% from the previous year to 15,007 tCO2e (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent). Since our first year of statutory Climate Change Reporting in 2014/15 our total carbon emissions have fallen by 28%, and measured from our baseline of 44,034 tCO2e in 2007/08, our total emissions have already reduced by 66%. However, it will become more and more challenging to meet…
… and infrastructure legislation; Ensure Local Authorities have the resources and powers to lead on climate change mitigation and adaptation in their local areas. In the meantime the Council will continue to progress towards reducing its overall carbon emissions through its own policies and actions to tackle the Climate Emergency locally. It is intended that this strategy will be regularly reviewed…