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Search results for "carbon budgets"

Including 14 closely related terms such as carbon saving, carbon economy, and carbon saving.

1 result

North Hertfordshire District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… to a low-carbon economy by 2050. Since the Climate Change Act 2008, a number of national initiatives have been introduced to help meet targets. The Carbon Plan 2011 identifies the emission reductions needed in five key areas of the economy; buildings; transport; industry; electricity; and agriculture to meet targets. The Clean Growth Strategy 2017 outlines the plan to grow the national income…

… the first major developed economy to assess how it will meet the terms of the agreement. After an original target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% on 1990 levels and transition to a low-carbon economy by 2050, in June 2019 parliament passed legislation requiring the government to reduce the UK’s net emissions of greenhouse gases by 100% relative to 1990 levels by 2050. This target…

…. C. Reducing our consumption of resources, increasing recycling and reducing waste. The three key areas of focus, below contribute most to the Council’s carbon footprint and are areas where the Council has the most scope to influence emissions: NHDC CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY 2021-2026 PAGE 10 2. Enabling Carbon Savings Ensuring that our policies enable citizens and businesses…

… to provide leadership and support for both businesses and residents to switch to renewable energy, and to adapt to the impacts of planning projects. The Council can play an important role as local planning authority, in reducing carbon emissions and providing further supplementary planning guidance to encourage more sustainable development and work towards carbon neutrality. This is especially…

… means of appropriate funding in order to best and maximally enable carbon savings across the district. 3. Inspiring the Community Encouraging citizens and businesses to take action to go further and faster in cutting carbon emissions. Overview The Climate Emergency is a wide-spread cross-cutting issue, and requires a concerted and coordinated effort. In recognition of the value…


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