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Search results for "carbon budgets"

Including 8 closely related terms such as carbon budget, low carbon, and carbon economy.

1 result

Blackpool Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… for energy and emissions reduction • Promote resource efficiency to Small and Medium Enterprises The change to a low carbon economy will require new skills and jobs. We will develop a low carbon skills transition plan, which will include looking at opportunities for business and service industry growth. This will require significant financial investment from the UK government…

… to different patterns and intensity of rainfall, causing floods and heat stress on cattle and farming. By studying natural and human-caused climate change separately, it is clear that human activity is mostly responsible. Being a compact urban area, Blackpool’s share of carbon emissions is smaller than other areas. As shown in the charts below, action taken by European and UK governments since the 1990…

…, but with public administration and food and beverage production also generating significant amounts, reflecting the makeup of Blackpool’s economy. Transport carbon emissions have remained virtually unchanged over the last 15 years, with 74% of current emissions coming from Petrol and Diesel cars, and most of the rest from Light and Heavy Goods Vehicles. All of these issues need to be addressed…

… at a national level, and locally where possible, to make the biggest impact on our emissions. Agriculture & Public Sector 1% Domestic 48% Industry & Commercial 33% Transport 19% Blackpool’s Climate Emergency Action Plan6 What the Government is Doing The Government wants to get the UK to Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050, which means making a reduction of 78% by 2035 (compared…

… to emissions in 1990). The Committee on Climate Change has set out a “carbon budget” to help them understand how much pollution they can still allow if they are to meet these targets. The government has considered this when developing plans to reduce emissions across the following areas: • Transport – by encouraging people to get around by transport which pollutes less, including walking, cycling…


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