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Search results for "carbon budgets"

Including 8 closely related terms such as carbon considerations, carbon emission, and carbon footprint.

1 result

Cheshire East Council (Unitary)

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… on internal policies, culture and behaviour to ensure that carbon emissions are understood by all. This includes empowering our staff, through training and other engagement activities, to think about and reduce their emissions, and ensuring that carbon considerations are included as part of the business planning and procurement process…

… In May 2019, we committed to becoming carbon neutral as a council by 2025. We also committed to raising awareness of the importance of taking action to combat climate change across the borough, working with others to consider and tackle their carbon footprint by reducing energy consumption and promoting healthy lifestyles…

… Our carbon neutral by 2025 target is based on an assessment of the council’s carbon emissions during 2018-19. This covers the carbon emissions that the council has direct control over, which are emissions from…

… The carbon footprint of the council in 2018-19, based on the emissions outlined above, was just under 15,500 tonnes of CO2…

…. We have many projects underway to tackle and reduce our carbon emissions across the areas that we have direct control over…


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