Including 11 closely related terms such as low carbon, total carbon, and carbon economy.
…. Climate Fife is a Fife-wide plan; however, at this stage Climate Fife’s action plan largely comprises actions being driven by Fife Council and key public sector partners. While the Council’s direct footprint only represents 3% of Fife’s total carbon footprint, through our policies, projects and service delivery it has an influence over upwards of 40% of Fife’s total carbon footprint. As a Local…
…. Fife Council is a large energy and fuel consumer and Council procurement could be a considerable force for good in terms of developing the low carbon economy within Fife if environmental considerations drive purchasing decisions. The Council operates a large property and land portfolio within Fife which comprises thousands of properties from leisure centres, offices, commercial and industrial…
… ..................................................................................... 13 Move, store and transform energy .............................................................. 13 Sustainable travel ....................................................................................... 14 Resource efficiency .................................................................................... 14 Carbon sequestration…
… ..................................... 31 Appendix B Climate Fife mitigation and adaptation action plan (2021-2030) ................... 33 5 Introduction The Climate Emergency Over the last decade Fife Council has worked proactively to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases which contribute to climate change, and Fife’s carbon footprint has fallen by over 55% (compared to 1990 emission levels). This activity…
… released as much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as Australia’s entire carbon footprint (from human activities) from the previous year. If natural carbon sinks become emitters at a global scale, then these emissions would dwarf human greenhouse gases and render us powerless to stop full climate breakdown, where global temperatures spiral out of control - so called ‘runaway climate change…