Including 4 closely related terms such as carbon budget, carbon budgets, and carbon footprint.
… and assesses progress towards tackling them. Updated in 2019, the Climate Change Act commits the UK government by law ensuring that the net UK carbon account for 2050 is at least 100% lower than the 1990 baseline (net zero) (UK Government, 2019). The Climate Change Act requires the government to set legally-binding ‘carbon budgets’ to act as steppingstones towards the 2050 target. A carbon budget…
… objectives. The first five carbon budgets have been put into legislation and run up to 2032. Once a carbon budget has been set, the Climate Change Act places an obligation on the Government to prepare policies to ensure the budget is met. A sixth carbon budget was proposed by the CCC in December 2020, which recommends a 78% reduction in UK emissions by 2035, accompanied by a 68% reduction by 2030…
… for addressing our corporate carbon footprint, whilst also noting our role as a community leader in helping reduce the district’s carbon footprint. Solar panels feature on a number of council buildings, generating renewable electricity for our consumption, whilst complementing our initial 2019 estate Re:fit to reduce our energy consumption. Additionally, internal work has occurred as a starting point…
… is a cap on the amount of greenhouse gases emitted in the UK over a five-year period. Budgets must be set at least 12 years in advance to allow policymakers, businesses and individuals enough time to prepare (UK Government, 2019). The CCC advises on the appropriate level of each carbon budget. The budgets are designed to reflect a cost-effective way of achieving the UK’s long-term climate change…
… further white papers, strategies and policies from government throughout 2021 and in the lead up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties 26 (COP26) in November 2021. 5. Our Situation 5.1. Climate change policy In October 2020, we adopted a Climate Change Policy. This policy primarily sets our intention for addressing our carbon footprint, whilst also noting our need…