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Search results for "carbon budgets"

Including 5 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon footprint, and carbon emissions.

1 result

Dacorum Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… by people and organisations not yet engaged with this challenge. 3 The Challenge for the Council 3.1 The Council has agreed that it ‘Join other councils at all levels of Local Government in declaring a climate emergency that requires urgent planning and action’. It commits to work towards reducing carbon emissions across the full range of council activities to net zero by the end of budget year 2029…

… of the MTFS. 5.6 The Strategy and Action Plan will be refined and more fully developed following the training and development for staff and Members together with the completed footprint analysis – this is almost complete but there are some areas where information is still to be finalised and analysed. 6 The Council’s Carbon Footprint APSE Report. Executive Summary The 2019 baseline carbon emissions

… be established to cover the initial costs of putting the Strategy and Action plan, together with establishing a credible and informative site on the Council’s website. Value for money The aim of the Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan is to reduce the carbon footprint of the Council’s activities and whilst in procurement the Council will seek value for money through intelligent procurement…

… Emergency Strategy and Action Plan is to reduce the carbon footprint of the Council’s activities and whilst in procurement the Council will seek value for money through intelligent procurement and tendering a critical part of the value for money assessment must be the degree to which the expenditure acts to reduce net CO2 and other greenhouse emissions Risk implications A Risk Assessment…

… with the national target of 2050. As the report had been promised for the May Cabinet Committee. Due to the receipt of the APSE carbon footprint report not being available in time to allow prior scrutiny it is recommended that, prior to approval of the Strategy and Action Plan approach, that the report is referred, for comments and feedback, to the Strategic Planning and Environment OSC and, for the housing…


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