Including the closely related terms carbon footprint, carbon footprint, and carbon sequestration.
… and purchases via local e-commerce platform website now operational 5.8 Support for refill and repair shops to reduce single-use waste Low TBC TBC No. of available shops/facilities 5.9 Investigate how to develop estimates for carbon footprint of residents’ diets, to shape education on lower carbon lifestyle Enabler TBC TBC Future inclusion of diet emissions within footprint…
… % of demand met by renewables 5. Waste and consumption: Action number Action Council emissions Borough- wide emissions Emissions reduction Indicative Cost Timescale KPI/ measure of progress 5.1 Review and update Procurement Strategy and processes to consider whole life carbon footprint of goods and reduce this in our procurement decisions High TBC 2021 Updated…
… strategy Reduction in Scope 3 emissions 5.2 Provide internal training on sustainable procurement to embed the above Low None Ongoing Tracking climate change/carbon footprint as inclusion in tenders 5.3 Reduce paper consumption, going paper- free for members. Low None Q2 2021 Paper purchasing rates 5.4 Eliminate single-use plastics in council vending machines Low Low Q1 2021…
… Zero single-use plastics present 5.5 Undertake estimate/analysis of Scope 3 emissions from council activities Enabler Low By Q4 2021 Scope 3 emissions included in next council carbon footprint and action plan 5.5 Work with Hampshire County Council to reduce waste generation and increase recycling rates through education programmes High TBC Ongoing Waste tonnage rates Recycling…
… types Carbon sequestration values 6.2 Improve accuracy of data on council green space ownership and use this to refine calculations for carbon absorption rates Enabler TBC Q2 2021 Data granularity 6.3 Identify suitable green spaces and enhance management to improve carbon lock up, whether through change in management approach or conversion in use Medium TBC Ongoing Habitat types…