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Search results for "carbon budgets"

Including 7 closely related terms such as total carbon, carbon emission, and carbon accounting.

1 result

West Oxfordshire District Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… of purchased electricity. 2.3.3. This carbon accounting methodology is consistent with the approach taken across Oxfordshire Councils and adopts conversion factors published by The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Table 1. Greenhouse gas and carbon-emissions for WODC, Annual Report 2018/2019. Annual 2018/19 Scope Source CO2e (kg) CO2 (kg) One Gas Consumption…

… an industry specialist in carbon accounting for a peer review of the current methodology in West Oxfordshire in order to validate the approach and ensure the 2020 carbon-emissions baseline is both credible and stands up to scrutiny. 2.3.7. The reason for proposing a validation process is that, despite all Councils using the same Scope One, Two & Three carbon emissions to record their carbon…

… energy supplier to leisure contract manager, and is received in various forms and units of measurement which are then used as the basis of a conversion to calculate the Council’s total carbon emissions. Within a standardised scope, there may therefore be variation in how data on, in particular, fuel consumption is recorded and then assessed. Advice should be sought on the assessment methodology…

…, releasing annual reports to the public. 2.4 CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK 2.4.1. A Carbon Action Plan for West Oxfordshire will be developed through partnership, engaging with Officers who have a direct responsibility for reducing carbon emissions through Council operations, the procurement of contracts and in service delivery. A Climate Action Network for West Oxfordshire will be formed to bring…

accounting for a peer review of the current methodology used in West Oxfordshire in order to validate the approach and ensure the 2020 carbon-emissions baseline is both credible and stands up to scrutiny. 5.2. The reason for proposing a validation process is that, despite all Councils using the same Scope One, Two & Three carbon emissions to record their carbon impact, there can be local…


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