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Search results for "carbon budgets"

Including 6 closely related terms such as reduce carbon, carbon emission, and carbon emissions.

1 result

Uttlesford District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… set out in the 2008 Climate Change Act to reduce carbon emissions by 80% from 1990 by 2050. In 2015 the UK government joined 195 others from around the world and signed the Paris Agreement. The Agreement legally ratified a commitment to prevent average global temperature increasing by no more than 1.5 °C. In addition to the global agreement, the UK Government amended the Climate Change Act…

… alike, causing disruption. Progress on Reducing Carbon Emissions The Council wants to build on the positive actions within the council and across the district which include installing solar panels on hundreds of properties, insulation measures and boiler replacements. Key Priorities in Tackling Climate Change These are some of the priorities the council has identified that can only…

… be addressed with the support of communities, businesses and partners Reducing Emissions (Mitigation) It is important to reduce carbon emissions from our everyday activities as these are causing the Earth’s temperatures to rise and contribute to extreme climate change. The priority areas for Uttlesford are shown here: Zero carbon council: Reducing energy use in council buildings, fleet…

… to reduce, re-use, recycle. We will reduce and adapt our current consumption patterns, move away from carbon-intensive one use products such as plastics and activities such as flying and to re-use and upcycle products. Where carbon emissions cannot be eliminated for businesses and organisations due to unavoidable emissions it can be supported through carbon offsetting or carbon sequestration

… to be used as an interim tool to reduce emissions. We will need to develop new skills and create capacity within the organisation including technological knowledge in reducing carbon emissions, climate emergency training programmes for public services and their supply chains, covering both mitigation and adaptation. Priorities: • Zero carbon emissions across estate • Tree planting on council…


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