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Search results for "carbon budgets"

Including 19 closely related terms such as carbon budget, total carbon, and carbon saving.

1 result

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… - Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan Figure 4: Recommended reduction pathway for carbon to 2030 1.27 The detailed carbon reduction analysis can be found in the LASER report. 1.28 Based on the carbon budget pathway analysis, meeting the 2030 carbon neutral target, would contribute to annual carbon savings of approximately 2,154 tonnes carbon (tCO2e) from business as usual. The current…

…. 1.7 Prior to the declaration of the climate emergency the Council had already made some progress in terms of energy efficiency and reducing its carbon emissions in accordance with the Carbon Management Plan 2010 – 2015. The result of this audit shows some success in delivering a reduction on previous carbon emissions. Page 3 of 20 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Report…

… of the Climate Emergency Advisory Panel - Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan Carbon Audit 1.8 The audit results presented in this report has been compiled in accordance with the World Resources Institutes globally recognised accounting methodology, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol)1,2. This is the standard used by most organisations around the world and the UK for carbon emissions

… (inclusive), by assessing the 2018/19 data sets held by the authority. 1.12 The Council’s total carbon emissions for 2018/19 came to 3473.4 tonnes of carbon (tCO2e) per year. 1 2 greenhouse-gas-emissions https…

… in the LASER report at Appendix C. Emission reduction 1.22 The Council recognises the global biodiversity and climate emergency, and the need to act urgently to reduce carbon emissions to limit further global warming and associated environmental impacts. 1.23 The Council now needs to work towards rapidly reducing its footprint to achieve this target, building and accelerating…


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