Including 6 closely related terms such as carbon budget, carbon emission, and carbon footprint.
… quality and waste. 10 11 Against this backdrop, a carbon budget and critical timescales for Traford as a borough was developed in line with the model employed by The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research: Remain within a maximum cumulative emissions budget of 9,500 ktCO2 for the period 2020-2100; In order to meet this requirement, achieve an average 13.4% annual reduction rate…
… Carbon Neutral Action Plan Carbon Neutral Action Plan December 2020 1 2 3 Contents 1 Foreword 2 Introduction 3 Current Traford Profle 4 Carbon Neutrality 5 Carbon Neutral Framework 6 Governance…
… Manchester has committed to being carbon neutral by 2038 through the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Across the council and in partnership across Traford, we are continuing to make progress with measures that will reduce our carbon footprint and put us on a pathway to carbon neutrality by 2038, and in doing so, help to improve the health and wellbeing of our communities, our environment…
… in emissions; Reach zero or near-zero carbon no later than 2041, by which point only 5% of the budget remains. Traford faces a greater challenge than most Greater Manchester authorities due to the carbon emissions associated with Traford Park Industrial Estate and The Traford Centre, along with those from major sporting and tourist attractions such as MUFC, Lancashire Cricket Club, Traford Quays…
… and Dunham Massey, particularly in terms of travel choices and their associated carbon emissions. These stark warnings reinforce what was already known to the Council as the lead organisation for climate action in Traford and serve to strengthen the Council’s resolve to lead the way in meeting these challenges. 42% Industrial and institutional buildings 25% Residential buildings < 1…