Including the closely related terms carbon emission, carbon emissions, and carbon emissions.
… declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency to focus attention on reducing carbon and greenhouse gas emissions in the area and to plan for a more sustainable future. 2. Climate and Ecological Emergency Declaration 2.1 The Council declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency at Council on 16 July 2019. Essentially this Declaration represents a commitment to take appropriate action to make…
… carbon infrastructure in strategic growth areas] iii. Working with Essex County Council to improve movement around the City, including improvements to the cycling and walking infrastructure, to reduce traffic congestion and journey times and encourage more sustainable travel choices iv. Implementing further measures to reduce the amount of waste generated and ensure that as much as possible…
… Chelmsford City Council embed this work in all areas and take responsibility for reducing, as rapidly as possible, the carbon emissions resulting from the Council’s own activities; o Ensure that any recommendations are fully costed and that the Executive and Overview & Scrutiny bodies regularly review Council activities, taking account of production and consumption emissions, and produce…
… / organisation as one ‘that will set and pursue an ambitious 1.5C aligned science-bases target for its full value-chain emissions. Any remaining hard-to decarbonise emissions can be compensated using certified greenhouse gas removal’ b. Undertake an assessment of the carbon emissions arising from the Council’s activities, [i.e. an ‘organisational’ assessment] including energy use, emissions from…
… chain’ assessment of carbon emissions i.e. from the raw materials and services that are purchased by Council in order to deliver its services Approach and timing to be determined 10 Workstream Climate and Ecological Emergency Action Plan 2) Updating planning guidance on how on-site renewable energy measures can be integrated into new developments and for all new dwellings…