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Search results for "carbon budgets"

Including 9 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon footprint, and policy carbon.

1 result

Dacorum Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… approved will make a big impact on reducing the Borough’s carbon footprint. 4.2 The Local Plan is bound by the requirements of Planning Law and government guidance which attempts to create a balance between achieving a net zero carbon UK by 2050 and developer viability, the latter causing a potential restriction the levels of carbon efficiency to be required. There are a number of parallel…

… permitted in reducing carbon emissions both in the construction and ongoing habitation. 5. Current position of Climate Change and Emergency mitigation in the draft Local Plan 5.1 Set out below in Table One are the key elements of the future planning position in the Local Plan which, as indicated, will be augmented by a Supplementary Planning Document where greater detail can be included…

…. 5.2 Table One Climate change policy Purpose Comments/action SP Climate Change Overarching strategic policy Carbon emission targets Mitigation setting out range of measures in the Plan that contribute to climate change and emissions reductions for new development up to 2030 and net zero from 2030 may be superseded by Future Homes Standard and White Paper 2025 requirements…

… damaging and expensive. There is budget for the Climate Change Emergency Officer and a further £75,000 available for 2020/21 together with an earmarked reserve. Value for money The aim of the Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan is to reduce the carbon footprint of the Council’s activities and whilst in procurement the Council will seek value for money through intelligent…

… in the Climate Emergency declaration. This strategy work is in progress and is expected to be completed in the next few weeks. 2.2 Data collection and analysis Having received the carbon footprint report from APSE energy it is crucial that the Council commit to overhauling the data collection processes in place in the Council and ensuring that these are fit for the new purposes of delivering…


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