Including 11 closely related terms such as carbon saving, carbon saving, and carbon savings.
… or organisation in a given time frame. Usually a carbon footprint is calculated for the time period of a year. Carbon Management Plan A carbon management plan brings together in one place everything you are doing to measure and reduce your carbon emissions. It details your objectives and targets, the emissions baseline, progress against targets, the outcome of completed carbon reduction targets…
…; Data 2.3 Carbon Footprint 2.4 Scope 3. Projections & Value at Stake 4. Previous Trends 5. Future Action 6. Financing Carbon Saving Projects 7. Responsibility, Governance & Reporting 8. Conclusion 9. Appendices Appendix A – Project Register 2015/16 to 2020/21 – tables 1 to 5 Appendix B – Details of Previous Carbon Reduction Projects Appendix C – Projected…
… and the action plan of future reduction targets. Business as Usual Scenario A description of what would most likely occur in the absence of a carbon offset project, also referred to as the ‘baseline scenario’. 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. ROLE OF THE DOCUMENT This third Carbon Management Plan outlines how Falkirk Council may manage its carbon emissions for the period 2015-2021…
… to Elected Members on an annual basis with regular meetings and updates by the Carbon Management Group and the Corporate Sustainability Working Group. 6 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 PREVIOUS PLANS Falkirk Council was one of the first Scottish local authorities to start proactively managing its carbon emissions back in 2007. The first Carbon Management Plan (CMP) covered the period 2007-2010…
… with the second spanning 2011 to 2015. Over that eight year period, the population of the area has grown by about 4%, with a reflected growth in Council functions to support this. As a result, the carbon emissions from Falkirk Council’s estate have surpassed carbon savings from the successful implementation of a wide range of projects. This is explored more fully in section 5. 1.2 NEW PLAN…