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Search results for "carbon budgets"

Including 13 closely related terms such as carbon budgets, carbon budget, and future carbon budgets.

1 result

Reading Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… binding emissions reduction targets supported by five yearly carbon budgets. As a result of the policies of successive UK Governments, emissions were 44% below 1990 levels in 2018 – heading in the right direction but not fast enough to meet some of our future carbon budgets. The UK’s first (2008-12) and second (2013-17) carbon budgets have been met and the UK is on track to meet the third (2018…

…, and commitment to the goal of a net zero carbon Reading by 2030, our community has embraced the call to action laid down by the IPCC. Reading has a proud history of taking action on climate change – since 2005, carbon emissions per person have fallen by 52% in the borough, the 4th largest reduction of any local authority in England. Reading Borough Council has reduced its own carbon footprint by 62.5…

reduced carbon emissions and contributed to ‘climate-positive’ behaviour. For example, the reduction in air traffic and commuting has reduced emissions and air quality has improved in many towns and cities, including Reading. Being confined to our homes has brought many of us a new appreciation of the importance of green spaces for health and wellbeing; it has also changed our patterns…

…: • Reading’s per capita carbon emissions have fallen by 52% since 2005 – the 4th largest reduction of any local authority area in the country • Pioneering net zero carbon standards for new homes have been enshrined in the Reading Local Plan which governs future development across the Borough • Reading Borough Council has reduced its own carbon footprint by 62.5% since 2008/09, avoiding energy costs…

… of £11 million in the process • Reading’s vibrant voluntary sector and active network of community groups have promoted a wide range of climate-related projects, and small grants to local organisations, such as Draughtbusters, Transition Town Reading and Econet, have funded behaviour change campaigns to reduce carbon emissions and test new ideas • The Reading Community Energy Society has…


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