Including 9 closely related terms such as reduce carbon, carbon emission, and carbon future.
… initiatives and projects to encourage walking, cycling, use of public transport and car sharing and to reduce carbon emissions from transport, improve air quality and create a transport network which supports a mobile, affordable low-carbon future and ensure that the transport network operates safely and efficiently to meet the needs of all users. Wandsworth will be an easy place to use, own…
… a track record in piloting new and innovative approaches and we will build on this as well as making sure we are learning from experimentation and innovation elsewhere, using new ideas and experiences to deliver the strategy. We will explore how we can make funding available for community projects aimed at reducing carbon emissions, increasing sustainability and improving the environment. We…
… their neighbourhoods and parks. Wandsworth Environment and Sustainability Strategy 2019 –203011 W an d sw o rt h - A n e nv ir o n m en ta lly f ri en d ly b o ro u g h Our baseline The carbon footprint of Wandsworth is a measure of the total amount of CO2 generated by activities within the borough, expressed in tonnes of CO2. Wandsworth’s Carbon Emissions 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40…
… are trying to set an example in the way we manage our own land and buildings. We are making offices and depots more energy efficient, switching to LED lighting, cutting carbon emissions. Foreword Climate change is the ultimate global issue. It affects all of us today in countless different ways. It is a very real and quantifiable threat to the way of life and current and future generations…
… of cultural heritage and assets – Older buildings have cultural value to society, but often their energy efficiency is lower than very energy efficient modern buildings and their carbon emissions can only be reduced so far. • Biodiversity conservation - Climate change is a major threat to biodiversity, ecosystem services and human wellbeing. Mitigating and adapting to the effects on living organisms…