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Search results for "carbon budgets"

Including the closely related terms carbon emission, carbon emissions, and carbon emissions.

1 result

Bristol City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… taking action as individuals and communities, and they support changes to the city which would help them to reduce carbon emissions, such as better public transport. However, this strategy demonstrates the scale, pace and breadth of change needed. To enable this change, we need all our citizens and communities to create, shape and be part of the city transformation. Citizens should…

… to engage with harder to reach communities, this could be through culture, music, dance and sport. - City engagement on how climate change is affecting Bristol now and what a future emission scenarios would actually look like. Using this to explore steps to take to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to climate change to build community resilience. - Working with all partners who have…

… Environmental Sustainability Board We are facing a climate emergency. As a city we need to act now to reduce direct and indirect carbon emissions to net zero. We need to prepare and adapt to deal with the projected impacts of climate change. In the One City Plan, Bristol committed to becoming carbon neutral and climate resilient by 2030. To achieve this, over the next decade, we need…

… for the city that will need the collaboration of multiple partners across the city to reach our city goals. - Built on the currently available evidence base. There are gaps in understanding and more work will need to be undertaken over time. - Integrated. It covers both direct and indirect carbon emissions as well as climate resilience. This strategy is not: - A delivery plan which…

… that will occur in 2030 and well beyond. We are facing a climate and ecological emergency Human activities are estimated to have caused 1°C of global warming above pre-industrial levels. We are already seeing devastating impacts of 1°C warming; this is expected to get worse. The science on the climate emergency is clear; we need urgent action to reduce our carbon emissions to limit global…


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