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Search results for "carbon budgets"

Including 7 closely related terms such as carbon cost, carbon cost, and carbon emission.

1 result

Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames

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… baselines should be developed to enable comparability across London v. Introduced a requirement to consider carbon impacts in all RBK transformation activities vi. Begun to explore how the RBK commissioning process should consider the carbon cost of commissioned services, and how to require suppliers, where possible, to reduce their carbon emissions vii. Identified training for all staff, from…

… summarises the ways in which the Council is currently reducing carbon and delivering sustainability, and the next steps the Council will take to respond to this declaration. 4. Kingston Council cannot tackle the climate emergency alone. To significantly decrease the borough’s carbon footprint, such as by reducing waste, increasing recycling rates, reducing unnecessary motor vehicle use…

… is taking advice from its investment advisor and working with the London Pension Collective Investment Vehicle on potential strategies. The Fund aims to have a new Responsible Investment Strategy in place within 12 months. Sustainable Transport and Travel 21.The Council’s most significant investment in reducing carbon emissions from transport is through improved infrastructure for sustainable…

… a programme of sustainable transport schemes over the next few years. Many of these are aimed at promoting sustainable travel, reducing car reliance and bringing about environmental improvements such as reducing carbon emissions. Additionally, the Transport Chapter of Kingston's emerging Local Plan will provide the policy support for these aims. Working with our communities to encourage sustainable…

… transport 23.The Council’s Sustainable Transport team supports Kingston’s residents to choose better options for travel, working with schools and businesses to develop sustainable travel plans, providing ‘Bikeability’ training for children and adults and, where residents choose to drive, educating them about greener driving which both benefits local air quality and reduces carbon emissions


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