Including 11 closely related terms such as carbon budget, total carbon, and carbon emission.
… corporate CO2e emissions over time. Figure 9 shows a column chart and a line chart compared to baseline emissions providing a visual description of our changing emissions throughout the years. Figure 9 Total carbon emissions equivalent for each year, including electricity 5,503 tCO 2 e Hartlepool Borough Council emissions in 2022/23 23 Our Current Carbon Footprint…
… Footprint ...................................................................................... 22 Exclusion of Scope 2 Emissions ...................................................................................... 25 7 Our Achievements ....................................................................................................... 28 8 Our Vision for a Low Carbon Future…
… and distribution emissions remain. Figure 12 Total carbon emissions equivalent for each year, excluding scope 2 emissions When Scope 2 emissions are excluded, the total emissions from council activity rose in the 2019/20 financial year and have since fallen year on year. The 2020/21 emissions were similar to but slightly higher than the 2018/19 baseline though this year was likely…
… change and our carbon footprint are always considered at all levels of the decision-making process. We aim to build on all the hard work our colleagues have already put into this front. Reduce energy demand and improve energy efficiency Increase sustainable energy capacity Reduce fleet emissions Work with people to inspire change What is a ‘carbon budget…
… pledge in 2021 and have passed a motion to develop a strategy to achieve net zero carbon emissions. The Climate Change Response and Net Zero Strategy for Hartlepool Borough Council sets out the framework for the council to become a net zero emissions local authority by 2050. While this is indeed an ambitious target, by proactively tackling our carbon emissions and adapting to climate change…