Including 19 closely related terms such as carbon budget, total carbon budget, and global carbon budget.
… means that we will have used up our global carbon budget within a decade. It is this realisation – and the ever accumulating science on the scale of the impacts of climate change – that led to calls for organisations and areas to declare a climate emergency and to develop and implement plans to rapidly reduce carbon emissions. 13 14 15 A NET-ZERO CARBON ROADMAP FOR BELFAST OUR…
… impact on the broader Scope 3 carbon footprint of the city – will be the focus of future work. Figure 13: Sectoral Emissions Shortfall Reduction with Stretch Measures 44 45 A NET-ZERO CARBON ROADMAP FOR BELFAST NEXT STEPS FOR BELFAST Based on the analysis presented here we recommend that if Belfast wants to stay within its share of the global carbon budget, it needs to adopt a clear…
… with other Commissions in the Place-Based Climate Action Network, Belfast Climate Commission can also support the development of low carbon projects and programmes and the preparation of a low carbon investment prospectus to encourage new forms of climate finance to accelerate the city’s low carbon transition. 46 47 A NET-ZERO CARBON ROADMAP FOR BELFAST APPENDIX 1. LEAGUE TABLE OF THE MOST…
… TO LOCAL 14m tonnes Belfast’s share of the global carbon budget (to keep to 1.5ºC of warming) Belfast is emitting 1.5m tonnes of carbon a year. At this rate, we will have used up our budget by 2030 BASELINES AND TARGETS 42% The decline in Belfast’s carbon emissions since 2000 This needs to be increased to 66% by 2025 80% by 2030 100% by 2050 Belfast has committed to work towards…
… (IPCC) suggests that we will have used up the global carbon budget that gives us a good chance of limiting warming to 1.5°C degrees within a decade. This science underpins calls for the declaration of a climate emergency. • Dividing the global carbon budget up by population gives Belfast a total carbon budget of 14 million tonnes from 2020. Based only on the fuel and electricity used within…