Including 7 closely related terms such as carbon saving, carbon saving, and carbon savings.
… posts on social media with ref to energy efficiency and waste hierarchy with links to environmental partners SSDC/Parishes and SCC Implement, promote, and demonstrate the carbon saving initiatives brought forward in the Hub via information boards and media posts SSDC Promote energy efficiency measures installed in the Leisure Centres via newsletters, social media SSDC…
… impact on carbon savings SSDC Promote Climate change and awareness of associated environmental issues through the Climate Change Festival 2022. SSDC Year One Actions – Our Strategic Planning Responsibilities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Implement and ensure compliance with existing Core Strategy Policies and designate Development Management Climate Change Champion SSDC…
… to investigate multi agency approach to climate change mitigation projects SSDC & Partners Work with County to look at waste contract to minimise carbon emissions in delivery of contract through increased recycling and lower emission vehicles SSDC Work with businesses through the South Staffordshire Business Place Partnership to maximise energy efficiency in their own operations SSDC/SCC Work…