Including 11 closely related terms such as carbon budgets, carbon budget, and global carbon budget.
…% Solid waste disposal 0.39% o�-road 6.24% Industrial process 6.99% Livestock 1.34% Institutional buildings & facilities 1.68% Commercial buildings & facilities 0.9% Agriculture 1.17% Rail 1.16% Wastewater treatment and discharge Source SCATTER 8 In line with the global carbon budgets set out in the Paris Agreement, under Derbyshire’s decarbonisation plans NED District has its…
… 7 Current Emissions and Targets The UK has legal targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 78% by 2035 compared to 1990 levels as set out in the sixth carbon budget and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. Greenhouse Gas emissions for the District are measured annually by BEIS whose data shows…
… and Recommended CO 2e (k t) Source BEIS actual from 2014 to 2019 and Tyndall recommended for 2020 to 2050 9 Internal Target The Council is aiming to achieve an 80% reduction in our carbon emissions by 2030 and is committed to supporting the District to meet the Tyndall Centre’s suggested carbon budgets. We additionally set ourselves an internal target to reduce our own carbon emissions by 750…
…. The Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Plan draws together a range of strategic, tactical and operational activities being undertaken by many partners in many different areas of influence in order to collaboratively reduce carbon emissions in the District. We can use our influence across a range of issues, including waste collection and disposal, housing, environment and transport. We…
… recognise that the Council has a broad role to play across a range of activities to reduce carbon emissions both within the Scopes for this Authority as well as for the wider District area. Our approach will include: • Prioritisation – It is important to maximise the reductions in emissions with the resource available. To evaluate initiatives we will look at the carbon reduction benefit against…