Including 5 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon footprint, and carbon emissions.
… and carbon footprint recording system will be developed, using the available LGA model by the Low Carbon and Sustainability Specialist. This will enable the systematic recording of Folkestone & Hythe District Council’s Carbon Footprint capturing all elements to include energy, waste, water, transport and residential. 9. The Wider Picture – Reducing Carbon Emissions and Mitigating…
… Reduction Options 7. What we’re going to do Actions according to theme How we will work / behaviour change Energy Transport Water Procurement Biodiversity / greenspaces Summary of actions 8. The way to achieving Carbon Neutrality Monitoring and Future Plans 9. The Wider Picture – Reducing Carbon Emissions and Mitigating Climate Change 1…
… to industrial and agricultural processes to eliminate carbon production. Reducing carbon emissions can include actions such as energy efficiency measures that reduce the demand for heating. Carbon offsetting is a climate action that enables individuals and organisations to compensate for the emissions they cannot avoid, by supporting projects that reduce emissions somewhere else…
… to prepare a baseline carbon footprint analysis of the Council’s own estate and operations. The methodology based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol is set out below. Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard 4.2 The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard is one of the best recognised international standards for assessing what sources of carbon emissions should be included in an assessment…
… of the Council’s housing stock is about to be undertaken. When this is completed it will set a baseline that will enable the Council to look at options for reducing carbon emissions, particularly with reference to the Council’s sheltered housing. It is also reviewing the potential for external funding such as the Government’s Green Home Grant Local Authority Delivery scheme. Energy usage and options…