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Search results for "carbon budgets"

Including 11 closely related terms such as reduce carbon, carbon emission, and carbon footprint.

1 result

Pendle Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (HTML)

… targets for carbon reduction  Include climate emergency considerations in all key new Council policies and plans Actions Embed climate change into the Council’s Strategic Plan  Calculate and produce annual emissions reports, appointing One Carbon World to establish a carbon footprint baseline  Work with Pendle Leisure Trust to reduce their carbon footprint  Revise annual carbon reduction

… Emergency Action Plan 2020 to 2025 Our Climate Emergency Action Plan aims to reduce carbon emissions across all our service areas and encourage key partners and local residents and organisations to also take action. The plan is based on feedback from consultation including with young people and Pendle Council staff. There are seven themes: support and enable sustainable travel…

reduce carbon emissions and energy demand from the built environment reduce the harmful impacts of waste and water consumption support our communities to take action support our future generations to find solutions making sure we consider climate change in everything we do support biodiversity and the natural environment to help local carbon off setting opportunities The plan identifies actions…

… cycling routes for safer cycling and walking  Enhance Pendle’s electric charging point infrastructure, subject to funding  Promote the canal tow path as a safe cycling and walking route  Ensure all development plans commit to carbon offsetting measures to reduce the overall impact to zero  Reduce carbon emissions and energy demand from the built environment Strategic objectives Heat our…

… to educate and engage businesses with low carbon sources of heating  Ensure the Council’s own estate’s energy efficiency is maximised through improved energy management  Ensure low cost technologies such as LED lighting are rolled out across the council estate, including parks and open spaces, as well as included in new developments, to reduce energy use  Support private landlords to improve eco…


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