Including 9 closely related terms such as carbon saving, carbon saving, and carbon savings.
…. The key aims of this strategy are to be a net zero council by 2025, in our own operational emissions, and to be a net zero carbon borough by 2030. Council and borough carbon emissions data are published separately on our website. This update sets out overall progress against these overarching aims, as well as specific actions set out in the action plan. It is also an opportunity to add new…
… grants. Green Week was also held from Saturday 24 September to Sunday 2 October with excellent engagement at events. For the first time, residents and attendees were asked to make a pledge to change behaviours that result in reduced personal emissions (as well as reduced costs). This resulted in 161 pledges, resulting in 30 tonnes of reduced carbon if enacted. This will be a useful…
… County Council on the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan and the Local Transport Plan 4 1.11 Promotion and delivery of Low Carbon across the South East (LoCASE) project – a scheme providing grant funding to SMEs to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon, grow their low carbon business and develop innovative low carbon products or services. Council/ Borough: Borough…
… funding to improve the energy efficiency of qualifying homes. Under the first iteration of the scheme there were 50 installations in Basingstoke and Deane, totalling nearly £350,000 of investment and over 40t of carbon savings. The latest iteration of the scheme has recently launched and already received almost 80 applications. This will be captured in Action 2.13 moving forward 2.16…
… given work required on other areas. 5. Waste and consumption: Action number Action Emissions Impact Indicative cost Timescale RAG status Responsibility KPI/ measure of progress Nov 2022 Update 5.1 Review and update Procurement Strategy and processes to consider whole life carbon footprint of goods and reduce this in our procurement decisions Council…