Including 6 closely related terms such as total carbon, carbon development, and carbon sources.
… Heat and Power (CHP) ............................ 46� Overall potential for energy from renewable and low carbon sources................ 46� Other considerations .......................................................................................... 47� �GLOSSARY OF TERMS .................................................................................... 48� �APPENDICES…
… 55, National Planning Policy Framework, March 2012 2 PURPOSE 2.1 The NPPF (Paragraph 97)3 states: “To help increase the use and supply of renewable and low-carbon energy, local planning authorities should recognise the responsibility on all communities to contribute to energy generation from renewable or low-carbon sources. They should: • have a positive strategy to promote…
… energy from renewable and low-carbon sources; • design their policies to maximise renewable and low-carbon energy development while ensuring that adverse impacts are addressed satisfactorily, including cumulative landscape and visual impacts; • consider identifying suitable areas for renewable and low-carbon energy sources, and supporting infrastructure, where this would help secure…
… in the LPA’s contribute to the mitigation of, and adaptation to, climate change”. This will be a consideration when a Local Plan is examined along with the other guidance. Local policies 3.8 LPAs are responsible for renewable and low carbon energy development of 50 megawatts or less installed capacity (under the Town and Country Planning Act 199012). Renewable and low carbon development over 50…
…. Figure 9 below used information from the DECC19 and shows that the total carbon dioxide emissions in Basildon have fallen over the period following similar trends at regional and national levels. The breakdown of those emissions in Basildon is relatively different with industrial and commercial and domestic emissions dropping over time with a couple of noticeable increases in recent years…