Including the closely related term biodiversity net.
… Influencing the borough (2050) Biodiversity net gain supplementary planning document Development of an enhanced planning guidance to aid planning application determination. Improves resilience in the natural world to changes coming from climate change via biodiversity gain. Within existing resource Offsetting GLO.07 Influencing the borough (2050) Small build guidance Development…
… for offsetting and biodiversity improvement. £10,000 from UKSPF Offsetting GLO.03 Carbon offsetting (2030) Carbon offsetting / insetting strategy Development of strategy to offset any remaining residual emissions by 2030. Develops quantifiable proposals for the total feasible offset by 2030 and an estimate of costs / capacity needed to deliver it. Strengthens ability to access external…
… community infrastructure decarbonisation and maximise opportunities for wider engagement. Within existing resource (neighbourhood CIL and UKSPF grant programmes) Communication and engagement CET.04 Communication and engagement (2050) Anti-social behaviour citizenship programme Community Safety to include climate change and biodiversity in their Citizenship programme including…