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Search results for "biodiversity"

Including the closely related terms ecological, species, and enhance biodiversity.

1 result

Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to a more natural state to improve their ecological value and create new an improved water-dependant habitat • Controlling the spread of non-native invasive species and putting in place measures to ensure effective biosecurity • Utilising emerging mechanisms such as ‘biodiversitynet gain’ and habitat banking to enhance biodiversity • Provision of information and education to raise awareness…

…; Carbon Reduction Strategy 2022-32 Aim 2: Protect and enhance the natural environment We continue to experience an overall loss of biodiversity with a recent national report stating that “in the UK, 40% of species are in decline and more than 40 million birds have been lost from our skies over the past 50 years, and a quarter of mammals are threatened with extinction”14. Similarly…

… there remain considerable challenges in improving air and water quality, with air pollution still posing the ‘largest environmental risk to public health in the UK’15, and only 14% of our rivers achieving ‘good ecological status’, a figure that has not improved over the past ten years16. Biodiversity, clean air and water are essential for life; our health and wellbeing and our economy depend upon…

biodiversity, air and water in particular. Tackling these issues requires action at international, national, regional and local levels: Threats to UK species and habitats include:17 • Climate change - resulting in changes to the distribution and abundance of many species. • Urbanisation - between 1970 and 2018 there was an 8% increase in proportion of UK population living in urban areas…

… and understanding of biodiversity • Facilitating greater community and third-party involvement in the natural environment • Reviewing policies and operations across the Council to ensure compliance with the Council’s duty under the Environment Act 2021 to ‘enhance biodiversity’ 2b. Help to improve air quality by reducing harmful emissions This should include: • Continuing to monitor local air quality…


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