Including 5 closely related terms such as ecological, species, and support biodiversity.
… mitigate climate change 53. Protect existing habitat and increase targeted habitat to support biodiversity recovery in open spaces Ensure at least 10% of SBC’s open space portfolio is long grass or similarly “wild” habitat 2023 Bio- diversity officer/ Neigh- bourhood Services Corporate Priority Environment Plan 54. Develop a range of projects that contribute to tackling the ecological…
… to incorporate roadside and garden tree planting with species selected for their environmental and biodiversity benefits 2026 Planning/ CCT/ Bio- diversity officer 56. Compile a list and assess the current carbon sinks within the borough, and develop a plan to protect, support and improve these sinks Improving the carbon sequestering ability of the borough 2023 CCT/Bio- diversity officer GIF…
… CCO/ Bio- diversity officer/ Parks team Corporate Priority Envi- ronment Plan 58. Promote and develop greening resources for residents to encourage greater biodiversity and ‘green the grey’ in private spaces Provide quick-win incentives for residents to plant biodiversity- friendly species, such as distributing seeds and bulbs 2023 Bio- diversity officer 59. Work with partners…
… and bird boxes and insect hotels Increase of biodiversity around Council assets, demonstrating the Council’s commitment to improving biodiversity in the area and leading by example 2023 Bio- diversity officer SPELTHORNE CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY @spelthornebc @spelthorneboroughcouncil 19 Key Action Key Task Desired Outcome Target Owner Funding (if required) Linked…
… such as Colne Valley Trust to deliver biodiversity and climate change projects Develop opportunities to create carbon sink initiatives within the Borough, including landscaping, retaining and expanding existing woodland, and more tree planting On going CCO/ Bio- diversity officer GIF Priority Environment Plan SBC recently re-joined Colne Valley Partnership SPELTHORNE CLIMATE CHANGE…